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Re: "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne

Ow wow, you guys became more talkative =D hurry up pierre, the longer you wait the more expensive it gets. train might be cheap but you should check flights anyway. i'm sorry you cant come bseed. i tried to place the tourney near easter hoping many students have vacation for that time but appearentl...
par °UÇK
16 Jan 2009, 00:30
Forum: Pays Germanophones
Sujet : "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne
Réponse(s): 121
Consultation(s): 26805

Re: "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne

Well, its not an official rule in germany. We talked about it a lot (not seeing it as little joke) but it hasnt been integrated to the standard german ruleset yet. But i disagree with the german ruleset anyway, its the SBR recommended ruleset in german language, so i just made it into a rule for thi...
par °UÇK
11 Jan 2009, 20:58
Forum: Pays Germanophones
Sujet : "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne
Réponse(s): 121
Consultation(s): 26805

Re: "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, Avril 03.-05. '09, Brême - Allemagne

yoyo a écrit:Je suis pluto interressé mais faut que je vois le cout du voyage

Je ne comprend pas...? What does that mean?

(and stop stalking me cash)

edit: btw i was told esa3 will be happening in april too, maybe even the week later. can somebody confirm this already?
par °UÇK
05 Jan 2009, 21:17
Forum: Pays Germanophones
Sujet : "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne
Réponse(s): 121
Consultation(s): 26805

"SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne

Bounjour, it's just me, UCK. i was checking by to inform you guys that I'll be organising a Smashfest Bremen and i would like you guys to partake. Sorry my french isnt good enough for an actual translation, I'll just give you the english version then. The event will be called: Smash Attack ("SM...
par °UÇK
05 Jan 2009, 10:35
Forum: Pays Germanophones
Sujet : "SMACK" - Melee&Brawl, 03.04.-05.04. 2009, Brême - Allemagne
Réponse(s): 121
Consultation(s): 26805

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