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Re: Cockroach Fest : La Smashfest des Cafards II / 24-25-26

It was nice to meet you all =3 Hope to see you guys again soon! >w<
par Akwa
26 Juin 2011, 20:09
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : Cockroach Fest : La Smashfest des Cafards II / 24-25-26 Juin
Réponse(s): 255
Consultation(s): 20757

Re: Cockroach Fest : La Smashfest des Cafards II / 24-25-26

Okay, so I'll be coming on from tomorrow, like 7pm or so. Couldn't come before, sorry TwT

I hope you don't mind if I take my N64 with me :3.
par Akwa
24 Juin 2011, 21:38
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : Cockroach Fest : La Smashfest des Cafards II / 24-25-26 Juin
Réponse(s): 255
Consultation(s): 20757

Re: Cockroach Fest : La Smashfest des Cafards II / 24-25-26

Seems my exams finish just the day before this starts ^w^~. Might come to stick around. Mostly because I'm just glued to Link_enfant =p Won't play or anything \o/ just be there for... Decoration. *act as a lamp* (Edit: oh and if I do come, I'll be the one bringing L_e, with my yay-sans-permis-car-w...
par Akwa
28 Mai 2011, 18:02
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : Cockroach Fest : La Smashfest des Cafards II / 24-25-26 Juin
Réponse(s): 255
Consultation(s): 20757

Re: Suggestion pour les avatars

Hey guys,
Strangely I do not have an avatar anymore and when I go to the UCP, I get a message saying "The avatar functionality is currently disabled."

par Akwa
25 Jan 2011, 17:37
Forum: Suggestions, remarques, commentaires
Sujet : Suggestion pour les avatars
Réponse(s): 41
Consultation(s): 15712

Re: [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille

one of the very few sentences I've learned thanks to L_e xp
par Akwa
25 Jan 2011, 17:26
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille
Réponse(s): 365
Consultation(s): 49360

Re: [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille

@ Thieum McCloud

... ou pas
(i love this phrase XD.)


[/flood], kthxbai? : D
par Akwa
24 Jan 2011, 08:46
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille
Réponse(s): 365
Consultation(s): 49360

Re: [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille

BSeeD a écrit:why wont u just come by car from Nice with the others?

It's too early, I have my drumming repetitions/lessons with my teacher on Saturday mornings ^^;
par Akwa
23 Jan 2011, 15:02
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille
Réponse(s): 365
Consultation(s): 49360

Re: [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille

I've never been at a tournament before, and I need to brush up my SSBM skills a little, too... Looks like u need to brush up ur french speaking too :p Looking forward to meet L_e's GF ! Haha I can speak french a little, quite okay, but I'm better in english :wiwiwi: Looking forward to meet you too ...
par Akwa
23 Jan 2011, 13:47
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille
Réponse(s): 365
Consultation(s): 49360

Re: [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille

Slhoka a écrit:Also, I fixed the registration problem, you should be able to see the confirmation code now.

Thanks! It worked ^_^

And thanks guys for the welcome ~

I won't be participating in the tournament though, I just wanna come an encourage my bf (and maybe play in freeplay) ~
par Akwa
21 Jan 2011, 20:05
Forum: Tournois en France
Sujet : [5/6 Mars 2011] Smash'n'Yatta 2 ! Marseille
Réponse(s): 365
Consultation(s): 49360

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