Video from Smashers' Reunion 4

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Video from Smashers' Reunion 4

Messagepar » 12 Jan 2012, 06:34

Well as I'm hanging around these forums for the time being, I thought I'd just as well post the video from Smashers' Reunion 4 that I made. Some of you attended. No subtitles though, but I'll gladly remark the norwegian words Porc did learn were: "I am poop, I am hungry" Good prononciation. :)

It's of course a much smaller event than SR: Melee Grande will be, but it was awesome. Possibly one the best tournament experiences I've had with my 5 years with this game! Tonberry rocks.
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Re: Video from Smashers' Reunion 4

Messagepar porc » 12 Jan 2012, 14:47

one of the tournament that gave me melee love

norwegians are crazy :wink:
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Re: Video from Smashers' Reunion 4

Messagepar Slhoka » 13 Jan 2012, 10:57

I can't help but laugh when I see pictures or videos of "young porc" :rofl:

Also I've been wanting to go to Norway and attend one of Tonberry's tournament ever since that day. Luckily Smashers' Reunion : MG is coming !
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Re: Video from Smashers' Reunion 4

Messagepar Fragmads » 16 Jan 2012, 19:49

The old time where i was wearing hat ^^

This tourney really was a great moment for me too.
Note that's we French were the only ones washing dishes after use :P
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