S'il est entre tes mains, X-17, je ne me fais pas de souci =D.
Cordialement, MetalFox
Kululu a écrit:Ah mais Sid c'est Sid ? Super teammate de MetalFox dans un certain *tournoi* qui fait chialer les enfants ?
Sid a écrit:Et puis Falcon c'est Luigi version level up : plus puissant, plus grand, plus gay, plus awesome XD
Kululu a écrit:Ah mais Sid c'est Sid ? Super teammate de MetalFox dans un certain *tournoi* qui fait chialer les enfants ?
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
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