bah j'pense que je viendrai vers les 20heures passé.
le temps que je sorte du boulot + train + perdition + arrivée à la salle.
merci stéph !
Bon tournoi à tous.
Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo
Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
Maxattack a écrit:JiM a écrit:Wait... Fauster ne vient pas??
Qui va commenter ?
Aux dernières nouvelles, il vient, sauf si on lui annonce le contraire à 23h42 demain ^^
Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo
Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
couscous a écrit:rah merde =( pas de challonge ou autre pour suivre un peu ce qu'il se passe?
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