Règles Officielles Françaises

Tout sur l'actualité de la scène Smash en France !

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar JiM » 21 Mars 2016, 17:03

On en avait parlé avec LuK, une petite règle à rajouter:
-A la fin du match, c'est le gagnant qui doit annoncer son score

Cette règle a pour but de responsabiliser au moins une personne au report du score, dans le cas d'une erreur avec témoins c'est ce dernier qui sera mis en cause. (ex: Alpha dash et ses arnaques aux scores) (ex 2: GSK8 qui a aperçu une erreur de score trop tard, mettant à mal son résultat de Ronde Suisse)
Une deuxième utilité, si le gagnant doit partir et qu'il cède la victoire à son adversaire malgré le score final, c'est à lui et à lui seul de le décider. /!\ s'il décide de céder la victoire, il sera notifier sur tout ranking une défaite de sa part /!\ (ex: CC, ses départs trop tôt et son grand cœur de laisser la victoire et ensuite regretter pour sa place de ranking)
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Drogué du CF
Drogué du CF
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar beLia » 21 Mars 2016, 18:07

je dois avoir de la chance, parce que tous les gens que j'ai battus ont report le match d'eux-mêmes, quand bien même je leur ai dit de me laisser faire, c'est agaçant
Maxattack a écrit: [...] mais la particularité de ton style c'est que tu cherches toujours à donner les meilleurs réponses à chaque situation et ça rend ton jeu très monotone, ce qui implique que ce n'est pas marrant de jouer contre toi...

:fox: :fox: :fox: :fox:

Le guide a écrit: Marth fais partis de la famille des personnages à épée. Il se sert presque tout le temps de son arme.
Il dispose d'attaque relevant de son style.
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar TreK » 23 Avr 2016, 09:45


Pour ceux qui y participent et ceux qu'une version abrégée pourrait intéresser, on a màj les règles Melee de la RoF pour essayer de coller un peu plus aux règles LFM. Pour coller aux autres jeux il a fallu synthétiser à fond, donc voilà le résultat. Il y a la VF aussi.

Il y a quelques règles qu'il a fallu rendre implicites, du coup. Genre ne pas débrancher les manettes, tout ça tout ça. Il y a juste deux grosses différences pour des raisons de timing :
-Le timer reste le même en doubles
-En cas d'égalité parfaite, on fait un match de 1 stock 2 minutes
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar beLia » 24 Avr 2016, 17:50

je pinaille sans doute, mais pour le choix des ports en team c bien plus clair de dire 1221, 1212, que de dire port 1 : team A, port 2 : team B
Maxattack a écrit: [...] mais la particularité de ton style c'est que tu cherches toujours à donner les meilleurs réponses à chaque situation et ça rend ton jeu très monotone, ce qui implique que ce n'est pas marrant de jouer contre toi...

:fox: :fox: :fox: :fox:

Le guide a écrit: Marth fais partis de la famille des personnages à épée. Il se sert presque tout le temps de son arme.
Il dispose d'attaque relevant de son style.
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar JiM » 11 Mai 2016, 13:36

Suite à mes nombreuses demandes, je relance sur le topic adéquat: Est-il possible d'avoir un autre topic avec le ruleset LFM en anglais s'il vous plait ?
Copier coller le lien du règlement français du premier post de ce topic sur chacun de nos supports de communication c'est cool, mais lorsque l'on a besoin de le mettre en anglais c'est peu pratique.

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Drogué du CF
Drogué du CF
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Localisation : Lunel

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar JiM » 12 Mai 2016, 10:14

Bon bah je vais m'occuper de la trad sinon on l'aura jamais u_u
Sinon, vu qu'on met le lien à chaque fois ici, ça serait bien de corriger les fautes.
LuK a écrit:- Si l'un des deux joueurs le souhaite, il peut demander avant le match à ce que celui-ci démarre en position neutre : les deux personnages se font faces de chaques côtés de la plateforme basse.

- Le joueur a le droit à une minute d'échauffement avant le début d'un set (terrain au hasard). wtf pourquoi terrain au hasard?

- En cas d'égalité en phase de pools, les joueurs à égalité sont départagés de la manière suivante : d'abord le ratio de sets gagnés. Si c'est le même, on regarde le ratio de manches gagnées. Si il S'il n'y en a que deux qui sont à égalité, c'est le résultat entre les deux joueurs qui compte. En cas d'égalité totale à trois joueurs, ceux-ci refont un match les uns contre les autres en regardant le nombre de stock enlevés et de pourcents infligés.

Et voici la trad (by Datto), si vous voulez changer la mise en page, ou corriger 2-3 trucs à vous de voir, par contre si vous pouvez vite en faire un topic à mettre dans la rubrique annonce (je ne peux pas moi, et puis je pens equ'il vaut mieux que ce soit un membre du bureau qui garde une main dessus) ça serait super, que je puisse enfin mettre un lien dans mes annonces... :
How a set
• 4 Stocks.
• No items
• Pausing should be turned off. In the event pause is on and is pressed during a tournament match, whether by accident or on purpose, the opponent can demand that the perpetrating player forfeit their stock.
• 8 minutes timer, 10 minutes timer for teams. If there's a timeout, the winner is the player who has more stocks left. If players have the same amount of lives, it is the percentage which is compared. If there is a perfect equality, the match must be played. « Sudden Death » does'nt matter at all.
• Tero's Smart Rule applied : You can't choose a counterpick stage on which you already won. For your information, the very first stage chosen by the 2 player is not a counterpick stage.
• Pamaro's stupid rule applied:The choice of your character or stage should be made reasonably quickly
• Gentleman's clause : If both player agree they can play on any stage.
• Wobbling is authorized until 300%
• Yoyo-Glitch is authorized
• Color glitch is banned
• Master is not an authorized character
• Any glitch that can prevent a player from controller his character is forbidden
• A player can request to play on neutral ports. For FoD, DF and YS, neutral ports are number 1 and 2. On BF and PS, they are 3 and 4 and on Dreamland, they are 2 and 4.
• Stalling is banned. It is forbidden to avoid combat in order to reach the end of the timer. Stalling is different from camping. In case of quarrel, the TO will judge what to do.
• In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors.
• Players can have a 1 minute warm-up before playing their match.
• Coaching is authorized between matches, not during. If a person is coatched, the player (player and coatch) receive a warning. With 2 warning, they are both disqualified.
• A player can take a 5 minutes pause between 2 of his matches if they are consecutive.

Set Format (In Order of Procedure)
• Opponents choose their characters for the first match with double blind pick character
• Opponents start the stage striking procedure
• The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
• In best of 3 sets, the winner of the previous match is allowed to ban a stage
• The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter Stage List, taking no more than 2 minutes
• The winner of the previous match chooses their character
• The loser of the previous match chooses their character
• The next match is played.
• Repeat steps 4-8 for all proceeding matches

Additional Rules for Doubles Play
o Life Stealing is allowed.
o Friendly Fire is ON.
o Timer is set to 10 minutes
o A player can request to play on neutral ports. On Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story and Dreamland, it should be done this way : Port 1 = Team A, Port 2 = Team B, Port 3 = Team B et Port 4 = Team A. For Final Destination, it should be done this way :
Port 1 = Team A, Port 2 = Team B, Port3 = Team A, Port 4 = Team B.

Stage list : -Starters
o Battlefield
o Dream Land 64
o Fountain of Dreams (in teams replaced by Pokémon Stadium)
o Final Destination
o Yoshi’s Story

o Pokémon Stadium

Tournament format

- Before the tournament, there is round robin, Swiss Round or bracket qualification phase.

- Qualification phases are BO3

- In case of equaliry during the round robin phase, players are settled this way : First, the ration of the won sets. If it is the same, we look at the won matches ratio. If there are only 2 players, it is the result between the 2 that matters.. In case of equality between 3 players, they play their matches again and pay attention to the number of stock and the percentage.

- The results of the qualification phase will used in order to seed the tournament.

- The tournament is a double-elimination bracket (whose loser bracket is compatible with Challonge.). It is divided in 2 parts : The winner and loser bracket. At the end of each turn, winners progress in the winner bracket like in a single-elimination competition. Losers join the loser bracket and play in order to stay in the tournament, because a second elimation means a definitive elimination. The finale opposes the winner of the winner bracket and the winner of the loser bracket bracket. If this last one one takes the first set, a second one is played in order to respect the principle of the tournament et avoid the player who won every set to be eliminated because of oonly one defeat. The number of players must be a power of 2 (8, 16, 32, 64, ...). If not, it is possible to complete this power of 2 with fictive player called « Bye » who will loose all their matches.

- During the tournament, every set will be BO3. The TO can take the decision to fix a round from which every set will be BO5.

Equipment's rules :

- Bring your own controller !

- Modified controllers aren't authorized. Only trigger trick is allowed.

- Freejon's Stupid Rule : It is forbidden to unplug a player's controller during a match or playing instead of your partner.

- We only play on 4/3 CRT since there is no lag. Flatscreen are forbidden.

- We play in 60Hz mode.

- We play on the PAL version of the game, with every character and stage unlocked

- Are authorized Nintendo Wii and Gamecube which can play the game witch a CD-ROM. It is tolerated to use a Wii console which can play an ISO of the original game. A player can ask to player on the original CD-ROM version of the game.

- In case of interruption of a match because of external causes( Alarms, fire, dysfunction of a TV or a console, power cut,...) , this one must be played again.

- if a match is played again because of a dysfunction, a player can ask to play on another set.

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Drogué du CF
Drogué du CF
Message(s) : 4890
Inscrit(e) le : 09 Mai 2010, 19:52
Localisation : Lunel

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar Tewind » 12 Mai 2016, 19:02

Je me suis permis de réécrire deux ou trois trucs et de retirer quelques typos. C'est pas parfait mais j'ai déjà élagué la plupart des trucs qui m'ont choqué :

Set Rules :
• 4 Stocks.
• No items
• Pausing should be turned off. In the event pause is on and is pressed during a tournament match, whether by accident or on purpose, the opponent can demand that the perpetrating player forfeit their stock.
• 8 minutes timer, 10 minutes timer for teams. If timeout happens, the player who has more stocks left wins the match. If players have the same amount of lives, the character with less damage wins the match. If both characters have equal lives and damage, the match must be replayed. « Sudden Death » is never played at all.
• Tero's Smart Rule applied : You cannot choose a counterpick stage on which you already won.Note that the very first stage chosen by the 2 player is not a counterpick stage.
• Pamaro's stupid rule applied: The choice of your character or stage should be made reasonably quickly
• Gentleman's clause : If both players agree, any stage can be chosen.
• Wobbling is allowed until 300%
• Yoyo-Glitch is allowed
• Color glitch is banned
• Master Hand cannot be chosen
• Any glitch that can prevent a player from controlling their character is forbidden.
• A player can request to play on neutral ports. For FoD, DF and YS, neutral ports are number 1 and 2. On BF and PS, they are 3 and 4 and on Dreamland, they are 2 and 4.
• Stalling is banned. It is forbidden to avoid combat in order to reach the end of the timer. Stalling is different from camping. In case of quarrel, the TO will judge what to do.
• In the event of a disagreement, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors.
• Players can have a 1 minute warm-up before playing their match.
• Coaching is allowed between matches, but not during a match. If a person is coached, the player (player and coach) get a warning. With 2 warnings, they will be both disqualified.
• A player can take a 5 minutes break between 2 of his sets of matches if they are consecutive.

Set Procedure :
• Opponents choose their characters for the first match. If needed, a Double Blind Pick can be requested with the help of a referee.
• Opponents start the stage striking procedure
• The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
• In best of 3 sets, the winner of the previous match is allowed to ban a stage
• The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counterpick Stage List, taking no more than 2 minutes
• The winner of the previous match chooses their character
• The loser of the previous match chooses their character
• The next match is played.
• Repeat steps 4-8 for all proceeding matches

Additional Rules for Doubles :
o Life Stealing is allowed.
o Friendly Fire is ON.
o Timer is set to 10 minutes
o A player can request to play on neutral ports. On Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story and Dreamland, it should be done this way : Port 1 = Team A, Port 2 = Team B, Port 3 = Team B et Port 4 = Team A. For Final Destination, it should be done this way :
Port 1 = Team A, Port 2 = Team B, Port3 = Team A, Port 4 = Team B.

Stage list :
o Battlefield
o Dream Land 64
o Fountain of Dreams (in teams replaced by Pokémon Stadium)
o Final Destination
o Yoshi’s Story

o Pokémon Stadium

Tournament format

- Before the tournament, a round robin, Swiss Round or bracket qualification phase will be done.

- Qualification phases are BO3

- In case of a tie during the round robin phase, players are settled this way : First, the ratio of the won sets will be considered. If both players have the same ratio, the ratio of matches won will be considered. If it is a 2-players tie, only the results between the two of them will be considered. In case of a tie between 3 players, they play their matches again and pay attention to the number of stock and the percentage.

- The results of the qualification phase will used in order to seed the tournament.

- The tournament is a double-elimination bracket (whose loser bracket is compatible with Challonge). It is divided in 2 parts : The winner and loser bracket. At the end of each Round, winners progress in the winner bracket like in a single-elimination competition. Losers join the loser bracket and play in order to stay in the tournament. A second loss will cause a definitive elimination from the tournament. The Grand Finals opposes the winner of the winner bracket and the winner of the loser bracket. If this last one takes the first set, a second set is played.. The number of players must be a power of 2 (8, 16, 32, 64, ...). If not, it is possible to complete this power of 2 with fictive player called « Bye » who will lose all their matches.

- During the tournament, every set will be BO3. The TO can take the decision to fix a round from which every set will be BO5.

Equipment's rules :

- Bring your own controller !

- Modified controllers aren't allowed. Only trigger trick is allowed.

- Freejon's Stupid Rule : It is forbidden to unplug a player's controller during a match or playing in place of your partner.

- We only play on 4/3 CRT since there is no lag. Flatscreen are forbidden.

- We play in 60Hz mode.

- We play on the PAL version of the game, with every character and stage unlocked

- Only Nintendo Wii and Gamecube which can play the game witch a DVD are allowed. It is tolerated to use a Wii console which can play an ISO of the original game. A player can ask to player on the original DVD version of the game.

- In case of interruption of a match because of external causes( Alarms, fire, dysfunction of a TV or a console, power cut,...) , this one must be played again.

- If a match is played again because of a dysfunction, a player can ask to play on another set.

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Cuber confirmé
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar JiM » 12 Mai 2016, 22:23

Tu pourrais les citer stp ? Non pas que je ne te fais pas confiance loin de là et au contraire mais juste pour lister les améliorations apportées au texte.

Et merci d'avoir lu pour l'améliorer d'ailleurs =)
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Drogué du CF
Drogué du CF
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Inscrit(e) le : 09 Mai 2010, 19:52
Localisation : Lunel

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar Tewind » 12 Mai 2016, 22:54

J'ai plus Word d'ouvert donc j'ai mis ça là : https://www.diffchecker.com/op2jrxzh

J'ai pas changé le fond, juste un peu la forme, histoire que ça sonne plus naturel.
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Cuber confirmé
Cuber confirmé
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Inscrit(e) le : 23 Fév 2015, 17:11
Localisation : Toulouse, France

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar Exile » 13 Mai 2016, 16:56

Je peux relire aussi ce week-end si ça vous intéresse.
Message(s) : 26
Inscrit(e) le : 29 Fév 2016, 11:43
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar Datto » 14 Mai 2016, 22:51

Tu l'as choppée où cette trad ? Jme pose la question parce que on avait discuté du "8-minute timer" qui est ici "8 minutes timer" (qui est faux), et qui est encore écrit d'une façon différente sur le post Smashboards actuel xD
vDJ a écrit:Après une durée d'entrainement variable, je parviendrais à remporter des victoires incontestables face à des adversaires de valeur croissante.

MetalFox a écrit:jouer un low tier, c'est un peu comme avoir un enfant attardé
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Cuber mystique
Cuber mystique
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar LuK » 16 Mai 2016, 00:13

Voici une mise à jour officiel des règles (v3 du 15 mai 2016) :

- Ajout de la version anglaise.
- Retrait du terrain au hasard dans le mintue d'échauffement.
- Dans "Procédure de déroulement d'un set", retrait de la règle qui permet au TO de modifier une règle si celle-ci n'est pas assez claire.
- "Discalification en cas de retard" intégré au chapitre "Format du tournoi".
- C'est au gagnant du set d'annoncer le résultat.
- si c'est un Bo3 (Best of 3), le vainqueur choisit un terrain qu'il banni pour le prochain match ; (correction de "joueur" > "vainqueur").
- simplification du nommage de l'ordre des ports.
- corrections des fautes d'orthographes remontées.

EDIT : n'hésitez pas à remonter les fautes que vous trouverez (je pense notamment à la version anglaise) et de continuer à contribuer à ce topic :)
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Cuber mystique
Cuber mystique
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Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar Exile » 16 Mai 2016, 10:50

Modifications effectuées :
  • Grammar nazisme sur l'ensemble du texte
  • Reformulation de phrases alambiquées
  • Reformulation de phrases techniquement correctes, mais mieux écrites dans le ruleset Smashboards http://smashboards.com/rulesets/melee/
  • Enlevé les espaces avant les ":" et le "!" dans l'ensemble du texte
J'ai mis l'essentiel en rouge, mais il y a des endroits non marqués (ex. un mot enlevé).

Pour la set procedure, je trouve celle des règles Smashboards bien écrite, et c'est la même que pour les règles LFM, me semble-t-il. On ne ferait pas mieux de copier ça dans la version anglaise ? Ça permettrait aussi aux étrangers de reconnaître facilement que les règles sont les mêmes.
Aussi, question : "We only play on 4/3 CRT since there is no lag. Flatscreen TVs with lag are forbidden." => quid des BenQ ?

Set Rules
- 4 Stocks.
- No items.
- Pause option should be disabled in the game menu. If left on, a player who pauses accidentally or deliberately during a match must forfeit a stock. A player who quits the match with Start and L+R+A+Start loses the match.
- 8 minute time limit. In the event of a timeout, the player who has the most stocks left wins the match. If both players have the same amount of lives, the character with the least damage wins the match. If both characters have equal lives and damage, the match must be replayed. « Sudden Death » is never used.
- Tero's Smart Rule: A player can't counterpick a stage they've already won on during this set. The first stage chosen in the set is not a counterpick stage.
- Pamaro's Stupid Rule: The character and stage selection should be made reasonably quickly.
- Gentleman's clause: If both players agree to it, any stage can be chosen.
- Stalling (avoiding combat in order to reach the end of the timer) is banned. Stalling is not camping; in case of doubt, the TO has the final word.
- Wobbling is allowed up to 300%.
- Yoyo-Glitch is allowed.
- Color glitch is banned.
- Playing as Master Hand is banned.
- Any glitch that can prevent a player from controlling their character is forbidden.
- A player can request to play on neutral ports. For FoD, DF and YS, neutral ports are number 1 and 2. On BF and PS, they are 3 and 4 and on Dreamland, they are 2 and 4.
- A player can request to have a neutral start : both player face each other on each side of the bottom platform.
- If both players want the same controller port, the choice will be settled by Rock-Paper-Scissors.
- Players are allowed a 1 minute warm-up before playing their match.
- Coaching is allowed between matches, but not during a match. If a person is coached during a match, the player (player and coach) get a warning. With 2 warnings, they will be both disqualified.
- A player can take a 5 minute break between 2 consecutive sets.

Set Procedure
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match. If needed, a Double Blind Pick can be requested with the help of a referee.
2. Opponents start the stage striking procedure.
3. At the end of the first match, the Stage Banning starts in the following way :
- if Best of 3, the winner bans a stage for the next match ;
- if Best of 5, no ban.
4. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage (Starters or Counterpick) out of the ones have not been banned.
5. The winner of the previous match chooses their character.
6. The loser of the previous match chooses their character.
7. The next match is played.
8. Repeat steps 4-8 for all proceeding matches until the end of the set.
- If one of these rules isn't respected, matchs must be replayed.

Specific rules for Doubles
- 10-minutes-timer.
- Friendly Fire is ON.
- Life Stealing is allowed.
- Fountain of Dreams is banned because of lag.
- Pokemon Stadium is a Starter.
- No stage banning.
- A player can request to play on neutral ports : on Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story and Dreamland, it should be done this way : ABBA. For Final Destination, it should be done this way : ABAB.

Stage list
Starter stages are :
- Final Destination ;
- Battlefield ;
- Yoshi's Story ;
- Dream Land 64 ;
- Fountain of Dreams (banned in doubles).
Counterpick stages are :
- Pokemon Stadium (starter in doubles).
All other stages are banned.

Tournament format
- Before the tournament, a round robin, Swiss Round or bracket qualification phase will be done.
- Qualification phases are Bo3.
- In case of a tie during the round robin phase, players are settled this way : First, the ratio of won sets will be considered. If both players have the same ratio, the ratio of matches won will be considered. If it is a 2-player tie, only the results between the two of them will be considered. In case of a tie between 3 players, they play their matches again. The number of stocks and the percentage will be taken into account.
- The results of the qualification phase will used in order to seed the tournament.
- The tournament is a double-elimination bracket (with a loser bracket compatible with Challonge). It is divided in 2 parts : The winner and loser bracket. At the end of each Round, winners progress in the winner bracket like in a single-elimination competition. Losers join the loser bracket and play in order to stay in the tournament. A second loss will cause a definitive elimination from the tournament. The Grand Finals opposes the winner of the winner bracket and the winner of the loser bracket. If this last one takes the first set, a second set is played. The number of players must be a power of 2 (8, 16, 32, 64, ...). If not, it is possible to complete this power of 2 with fictive players called « Bye », who will lose all their matches.
- During the tournament, every set will be Bo3. The TO can take the decision to fix a round from which every set will be Bo5.
- The winner must announce the result of the set.
- If after 10 minutes a player does not show up in order to play his set, he loses it. No negotiation possible. In pools, every 10 minutes, the player loses against an opponent, by decreasing seed order.

Equipment rules
- Bring your own controller!
- Modified controllers aren't allowed. Only trigger trick is allowed.
- Freejon's Stupid Rule : It is forbidden to unplug a player's controller during a match or playing in place of your partner.
- To avoid lag, matches will be played on 4/3 CRTs. Flatscreen TVs with lag are forbidden.
- The game is played in 60Hz mode.
- The game is played on the PAL version of the game, with every character and stage unlocked.
- Only Nintendo Wiis and Gamecubes that can play the game with a DVD are allowed. A Wii console that can play an ISO of the original game is tolerated. A player can ask to play on the original DVD version of the game.
- If a match is interrupted because of external causes (alarms, fire, dysfunction of a TV or a console, power cut, ...), there must be a rematch.
- In the event of a rematch caused by a dysfunction, a player can ask to change setups.
Message(s) : 26
Inscrit(e) le : 29 Fév 2016, 11:43
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar LuK » 16 Mai 2016, 19:30

Merci ton aide Exile. J'ai apporté tes corrections à la version actuellement en ligne, en ajoutant "counterpicked" dans la clause TSR.

Pour ta proposition de prendre une partie des règles de Smashboards, nous allons rester sur cette version car elle a pour vocation d'être une traduction fidèle des règles française.
Pour les BenQ, rien n'a encore été décidé officiellement car elles n'ont pas été beaucoup testées en France.
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Cuber mystique
Cuber mystique
Message(s) : 588
Inscrit(e) le : 13 Oct 2011, 12:49

Re: Règles Officielles Françaises

Messagepar Exile » 16 Mai 2016, 21:00

Toujours un plaisir.
Je note pour les BenQ, hâte de voir ce que ça va donner.
Message(s) : 26
Inscrit(e) le : 29 Fév 2016, 11:43
Localisation : Grenoble


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