Italian tournament 3-4-5 january 2009

Tournois et description des communautés smash de ces pays.
Esta el foro... Il foro della... and i don't know enough spanish/italian to continue ^^'

Italian tournament 3-4-5 january 2009

Messagepar The dark scorpion » 09 Oct 2008, 20:07

hi, sorry, I can't write in french :(

on the 3-4-5 of january 2009 we're going to organize a tournament (with melee/brawl/and maybe ssb64).

the tournament will be (for both melee and brawl) :
-crew ... a=N&tab=il
this is jesi, an italian small town

the attendants are:

The dark scorpion
The toma
jet (?)

actually we don't know too much... sorry for my english
if anyone want to join us, he'll be welcome

au revoir
Dernière édition par The dark scorpion le 01 Nov 2008, 22:28, édité 2 fois.
The dark scorpion
Message(s) : 1
Inscrit(e) le : 08 Oct 2008, 21:58

Re: Italian tournament 3-4-5 january 2009

Messagepar Slhoka » 09 Oct 2008, 20:42

I'm sorry, I allowed myself to edit your post in order to remove a few mistakes.

Anyway, it's great to see that the Italian smash community is still alive and doing some other things than banning Meta Knight :mrgreen:
I probably won't be able to attend but I hope some other will be able to go there =)

Can you post the rules ? I would also be good to have information about the entry fee or housing. At least when you have it ;)

Oh and also, it would be useful to have the name of the closest train station or airport, if there are not too far from Jesi.
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