Frangipane help us

Car oui, nous sommes des gens culturés.

Frangipane help us

Messagepar giggs » 27 Fév 2006, 00:50

So Niam had decided to help me move in with my stuff. Just after putting the armchair in the living room, a strangely hooded manly girl just flew through the window, throwing needles at my friend and yelling something that sounded like: top tired higher than you.
My friend reacted ASAP .00000001 and just hookshoted out of nowhere. He grabbed me and pulled me all the way in front of him, making me take percents for him. Had I not yelled "SHIELD" moments before, he wouldn't even have noticed...
Then, the bastard started to pwn me with his eyes closed. While I was getting beaten pretty badly, I saw a fox with a lasergun in his belt filming us...
My situation was hopeless, so I thought about it... I had told myself I'd use it as a last resort, and this was the moment... Gathering my last strenghts, I screamed at the window: JAYDEE HELP US!1!!1!!111!!!!shift+eleventyone
And there he came, with a full frangipane pie in his hand. He helped me take a mouthful, and it gave me enough strength back to get away from Niam.
I ate the rest ASAP .0000001 and got back all of my superpowers.
Then, JAYDEE took out another pie of his pocket. I grabbed it and proceeded to OWN Niam single-handed while eating the pie with my free hand.
Niam got PWNed even badlier because all of this happened ASAP .0000001 and he couldn't understand a single english word. Thus, he only grasped I had called JAYDEE when he saw him. That was pure mindgaming from me. And sadly for Niam, seeing his worst weakness used against him with such ease totally turned him down and made him lost any will to keep on fighting properly.
And as if it wasn't enough already, a weird pidgeon jumped through the window into the flat and just started to dash short hoping around, shooting lasers left, right and center. This was Niam's worst nightmare...
Dernière édition par giggs le 27 Fév 2006, 01:12, édité 2 fois.
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Messagepar Doraki » 27 Fév 2006, 00:56

*waves WTF flag*


*after not so much consideration, throws it away and joins the party*
(mostly for the pies don't get me wrong)
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Localisation : Yvelines / Paris

Messagepar Thieum McCloud » 27 Fév 2006, 00:59

... Or how to turn an essay ("You have just moved into a new house. You and a friend of yours make an unexpected discovery" [300 words]) into an insane private joke. The discovery in question was originally meant to be the spiky eight-legged duck lost civilisation, which quickly became the lasergun'd pigeon lost civilisation <_<.
Only a few people will fully understand this (like... 1 or 2 ? ¬_¬)
Dernière édition par Thieum McCloud le 27 Fév 2006, 02:05, édité 2 fois.
Whuuut? ლ(ಠ.ಠლ)
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Messagepar Slhoka » 27 Fév 2006, 01:01


But overlol, especially the "JAYDEEEEE HELP ME!!!"/ "And there he came, with a full frangipane pie in his hand. "
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Messagepar Joanna Dark » 27 Fév 2006, 01:30

lmao seriously that was too good, keep up the good work and come back and tell us what mark you've got for this shit.
btw, everyone should post in english in this thread, it would be a shame not to do so.
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Messagepar Droopy » 27 Fév 2006, 08:31

Puff !
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Messagepar Link_enfant » 27 Fév 2006, 09:36

I like the title of the thread "Frangipane help us" >>XD
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Inscrit(e) le : 07 Fév 2006, 17:56
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Messagepar Djoss » 27 Fév 2006, 11:09

And as if it wasn't enough already, a weird pidgeon jumped through the window into the flat and just started to dash short hoping around, shooting lasers left, right and center. This was Niam's worst nightmare...


First time I read this text, I also said "wtf ??!!" :mrgreen:
Pretty funny and crazy shit. =D
Yeah, everyone should write english here. ^^
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Messagepar miakx » 28 Fév 2006, 00:12

Beautiful story...
Euh, If I don't write English very well, Am I obliged to write here too? XD
Not, in fact, I think it's a good idea this topic
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Messagepar Yoh » 28 Fév 2006, 07:31

C'est trop long.
Muhahaha, je me devais de pourrir ce topic , ca faisait longtemp.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
"Les armes ne tuent pas les gens, ce sont les jeux vidéo qui le font"
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Inscrit(e) le : 07 Fév 2006, 23:47
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Messagepar Link_enfant » 28 Fév 2006, 08:22

miakx a écrit:Beautiful story...
Euh, If I don't write English very well, Am I obliged to write here too? XD
Not, in fact, I think it's a good idea this topic

You think it's a good idea this topic? :D
Me too, I find it's a goot idea this topic ^_^
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Belette d'eau
Message(s) : 2897
Inscrit(e) le : 07 Fév 2006, 17:56
Localisation : Attention Benjamin derrière toi c'est affreux !

Messagepar Djoss » 28 Fév 2006, 10:28

Link_enfant a écrit:
miakx a écrit:Beautiful story...
Euh, If I don't write English very well, Am I obliged to write here too? XD
Not, in fact, I think it's a good idea this topic

You think it's a good idea this topic? :D
Me too, I find it's a goot idea this topic ^_^

U're just laughin at him, u're mean ! :lol:
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Drogué du CF
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Inscrit(e) le : 07 Fév 2006, 19:07
Localisation : Toulouse

Messagepar miakx » 28 Fév 2006, 20:37

Link_enfant a écrit:You think it's a good idea this topic? :D
Me too, I find it's a goot idea this topic ^_^

It's all I found to say. XD
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Cuber accro
Cuber accro
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Inscrit(e) le : 07 Fév 2006, 23:04
Localisation : Et vous êtes?? A l'aréoport !

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