Willy a écrit:Par contre, au niveau Wii Motion Plus jpeux pas vous aider pour faire tourner le jeu sans
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Nedved a écrit:L'oiseau en fait faut orienter la wiimote plus que la tourner. Tu la laisse à plat tu la tourne sur elle même un peu. Et là ça va mieux, mais j'ai mis le temps à comprendre.
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
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