Tekk a écrit:"The video is not an intention of being recognized as neither an Illuminati nor anything like that, we took this topic because we discovered something interesting on some parts of the game like Dreamland, where you can appreciate the "All Seeing Eye" and other demon faces throughout the scene. We also take the opportunity to invite you to open your mind in the face of reality, it's a serious topic and we have to be prepared, the illuminati is not a joke and those who doesn't know too much about this, we advise you to investigate..."
Jvoulais quote aussi, mais la flemme -_- Rigolez pas les mecs, c'est 1/2 sérieux cette histoire à la con.
Fauster Fayk a écrit:Ho oui.
C'est la première fois que j'vois un combo d'un Yoshi contre une Samus autre que lorsque c'est DjaGoF qui joue contre moi. J'pensais pas que d'autres personnes au monde pouvait supporter de tels matchs dégueulasses.
Ahah jme suis tellement marrer quand j'ai vu du Yoshi Samus, j'ai pensé à vous DIRECT.
Et moi j'aime tous les matchups à ce jeu, jfreeplay souvent en random perso...
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).
Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.