My adventure - Backpacking EU??

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My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar » 10 Jan 2012, 01:20

Good day french smashers! :) I've been thinking about traveling around in Europe. I'd appriciate if you gave me feedback on this, because I'll need help and confidence if I'm actuallly gonna do it.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar beLia » 10 Jan 2012, 01:50

If you're coming to paris, hit me up, you could stay at my place, even though you'd maybe prefer to see people you already know or stuff, but well, don't hesitate.
I'd like to do such a journey as well, looks mad fun.
Maxattack a écrit: [...] mais la particularité de ton style c'est que tu cherches toujours à donner les meilleurs réponses à chaque situation et ça rend ton jeu très monotone, ce qui implique que ce n'est pas marrant de jouer contre toi...

:fox: :fox: :fox: :fox:

Le guide a écrit: Marth fais partis de la famille des personnages à épée. Il se sert presque tout le temps de son arme.
Il dispose d'attaque relevant de son style.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Alox » 10 Jan 2012, 02:44

There are many cool places you can go, don't hesitate :D
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar BSeeD » 10 Jan 2012, 09:08

Wanna see French Riviera ? Come to me ^^

Nedved a écrit:The best you can see is Paris, Lyon and Dijon

Lol. Paris, Lyon... and Dijon XD
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar » 10 Jan 2012, 10:22

I would definitly like to visit these places. :D Cannes sort of has a star as I'm film-interested actually. Whew, you frenchmen really seem very hostile allready!
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Fragmads » 10 Jan 2012, 10:28

I currently live at Mandelieu, which is the city next to Cannes.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar BSeeD » 10 Jan 2012, 10:53

XD had hard times trying to understand what u said as "hostile" in French kinda means "not inclined to help" XD
Yeah, I guess if you wanna visit Cannes u'll be better @ Frag's place, as I'm living in a small city with not a lot of bus.

But if u plan on playing melee also, don't worry I'll be there :p
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar porc » 10 Jan 2012, 13:59

hey askelink !!
your idea is killer. if you come to france you have to come in lyon see us (Willy salepate and me) again :) it would be cool !

hope to see you dude
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Qlex » 10 Jan 2012, 21:45

hey askelink! If you come to Grenoble...



But I still would gladly house you :)
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Tekk » 11 Jan 2012, 15:21

If you come to Lyon I'll gladly house you. :)
just 'cause ur hungry doesn't mean that ur lean
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Nedved » 11 Jan 2012, 15:27

BSeeD a écrit:Wanna see French Riviera ? Come to me ^^

Nedved a écrit:The best you can see is Paris, Lyon and Dijon

Lol. Paris, Lyon... and Dijon XD

See you at TSL BSeeD... We will show you :P
Memo : Ce que vous lisez au-dessus peut-être méchant. Calm down, en vrai on est tous de gentils poulets. Mais une bouffée d'acide en pleine gueule n'a jamais tué, non ?

No Hate, No Gain

Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)

Bowser >>> BSeeD, Xeal, Sora, Lukahn
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar BSeeD » 11 Jan 2012, 15:32

Nan mais le mec tsé XD Il poste quoi ?

"Les 3 meilleurs endroits de France : Paris, Lyon et Dijon" XD

Déjà jvois pas ce que ton village à a foutre au milieu XD
Et en plus jvois pas comment tu peux mentionner les meilleurs endroits de France sans mentionner la Côte d'Azur :p
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Lukahn » 11 Jan 2012, 15:33

Don't bother listening BSeeD. It's hella expensive to go to his place lol.

Dijon's the place. INSCRIPTIONS AU DSK.
lol joking
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar BSeeD » 11 Jan 2012, 15:40

Mustard is cheaper in Dijon.

Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Inscrit(e) le : 19 Sep 2006, 17:21
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Lukahn » 11 Jan 2012, 15:42

BSeeD a écrit:Mustard is cheaper in Dijon.


Anything is cheaper in Dijon.
Girls are free though. INSCRIPTIONS AU DSK.
lol joking
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Inscrit(e) le : 20 Août 2010, 10:43
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