My adventure - Backpacking EU??

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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar BSeeD » 11 Jan 2012, 15:47

Sea is cheaper in D... oh WAIT ! No sea there ^^
Infernum is cheaper in D... oh WAIT ! Infernum lives in French Riviera ^^
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Fragmads » 11 Jan 2012, 18:53

Lukahn a écrit:
BSeeD a écrit:Mustard is cheaper in Dijon.


Anything is cheaper in Dijon.
Girls are free though.

Must .... Resist .... Mamma Joke .... Too Easy !!!!

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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Lukahn » 11 Jan 2012, 20:00

My mother is free too. INSCRIPTIONS AU DSK.
lol joking
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Qual » 11 Jan 2012, 21:35

Lukahn a écrit:My mother is free too.

Hi ! Can i backpaging at your home too ? :wiwiwi:

Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Fauster » 11 Jan 2012, 23:02

Lukahn a écrit:My mother is free too.

And hot.
Le Lion Romantique

Slhoka a écrit:J'aimerais savoir organiser des tournois comme toi

Poilon a écrit:En même temps sur 25(26?) persos, une sortie, pas de patch depuis 2001, un tournois international avec 8 persos dans le top 8, bah je pense que c'est un jeu équilibré nan ?

DjaGoF a écrit:je suis tellement géniaux, que j'en suis génial.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Nedved » 12 Jan 2012, 00:39

Fauster Fayk a écrit:
Lukahn a écrit:My mother is free too.

And hot.

And she has big boobs too.

(On dérive les gars là :/)
Memo : Ce que vous lisez au-dessus peut-être méchant. Calm down, en vrai on est tous de gentils poulets. Mais une bouffée d'acide en pleine gueule n'a jamais tué, non ?

No Hate, No Gain

Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)

Bowser >>> BSeeD, Xeal, Sora, Lukahn
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar » 12 Jan 2012, 01:21

LOL @ regional bashing, you definitly got lots of humour obviusly. :lol:

I'm gunning for actually doing it. I feel like it's a big step, but I'm really getting hyped. Neither economy or schedule are holding me back, so I should! Starting to plan and research much.
I'm definitly visiting Lyon. :D Paris probably too on the way home. I'll decide a bit more on Dijon and Côte d'Azur, got a lot of route planning to do. Please tell me more about the places though, but I hate mustard. :rofl:
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Frank Miller » 12 Jan 2012, 01:28

vDJ a écrit:Lucinafags
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Nedved » 12 Jan 2012, 01:44

In Dijon, there is mustard. yeah. but that's not all (hopefully :D). Côte d'Azur has more sun to be honest, but I'm not sure the weather is the matter...
Dijon is between Paris and Lyon. It's here :)

Smash relatives, Dijon is trying to become a major place in France. At first there was Paris. Then there were Paris and Lyon. Now... Here come Dijon :)
We are a lot of people (unlike in Côte d'Azur where there is just BSeeD Inf' and Fragmads :D :D ) :)

But I'm sure Alex21, Draxraven, Lukahn or Yggdrasil will make advertisement for our lovely Dijon :D
I can also go for touristic informations if you want too, 'cause the city is pretty good. (OK, it's not Paris ^^)
Memo : Ce que vous lisez au-dessus peut-être méchant. Calm down, en vrai on est tous de gentils poulets. Mais une bouffée d'acide en pleine gueule n'a jamais tué, non ?

No Hate, No Gain

Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)

Bowser >>> BSeeD, Xeal, Sora, Lukahn
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Inscrit(e) le : 16 Déc 2010, 23:22
Localisation : Dijon, France

Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Fauster » 12 Jan 2012, 02:40

At Dijon, there is the best Kebab I've ever ate.

But Lyon still better.
Le Lion Romantique

Slhoka a écrit:J'aimerais savoir organiser des tournois comme toi

Poilon a écrit:En même temps sur 25(26?) persos, une sortie, pas de patch depuis 2001, un tournois international avec 8 persos dans le top 8, bah je pense que c'est un jeu équilibré nan ?

DjaGoF a écrit:je suis tellement géniaux, que j'en suis génial.
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tio master
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar » 12 Jan 2012, 04:22

Qlex a écrit:hey askelink! If you come to Grenoble...


But I still would gladly house you :)

Grenoble looks quite cool. I love mountains! Are there serveral smashers living there?

Are anyone living near some alpine places, and have an interest for skiing? Going alpine skiing in the alps would be awesome.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Qlex » 12 Jan 2012, 08:54

There's Feca-Link and Panda-Soldier living in Grenoble as far as I can tell, and there's a small community of players in my school.

I don't know if anyone's got a love for skiing, but I intend to do this at least once or twice for this winter session. It looks pretty awesome!
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar BSeeD » 12 Jan 2012, 09:09

Regional bashing is kind of our thing y XD
But we love each other very much.

The point is Alpes are very close to French Riviera (google maps it), and Italy is just behind :p
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Lukahn » 12 Jan 2012, 10:29

We have the bets beer. (ok maybe not). The best wine (that's more likely). The best kebab ever. (Master kebab raaaaaaaaape). INSCRIPTIONS AU DSK.
lol joking
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Re: My adventure - Backpacking EU??

Messagepar Roxas » 12 Jan 2012, 11:30

Why don't you speak french ? Is it cuz you're a slacker ?
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