Visiting France!?

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Visiting France!?

Messagepar Rocky » 30 Avr 2012, 23:55

Hey guys, how are you doing? About 7 months ago I decided that I'd some day go on a road trip through Europe.

I figured I should do it during summer break in one of the coming years to make sure I won't have to worry about working and stuff.
With that said, I started saving basically all the money I made, and as of today it seems very likely that I'll be able to buy an interrail pass and travel across the continent in mid/late June.

Staying alone at hotels in different cities would definitely be too boring for the trip to be worth it. Therefore, I mean to ask you guys if you could help me out and house me as I go.
Meeting new and old friends and playing smash along the way while seeing new places would simply be too good!
While I really want to go on this trip, nothing's decided yet as I'll wait and see how people respond. If it works out I plan to start travelling around 15-17 June, either going south through Denmark and then visiting Germany -> Netherlands/Austria -> France -> Italy/Spain, etc, finishing with taking the plane from wherever I am to Norway and Melee Grande.
Therefore, the trip would span from mid June to ~13 July. The travel plan is very flexible and can definitely be modified without a problem if need be.

This is VERY much inspired by Askelink's trip back in February, which I've heard turned out to be very successful.
He's been helping me out with planning like the champ he is. =)

I've been looking forward to this for a very long time and I miss lots of the awesome smashers I've met in the years I've played this game now, and for that reason I really hope this can work out! =)

- Rocky/Nick R

- I am no parasite. Unless you would for some reason decline it, I WILL pay you in cash for housing me before leaving. It's the least I can do besides showing my gratitude.
I will also not stay for more than a few days at a place as I know that housing people can be quite taxing.
- I'm eager to experience a lot of stuff this summer, so don't hesitate to suggest that I do something or visit some place. If any of you play basketball, I'm MORE than down to play, love that sport.
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Inscrit(e) le : 15 Oct 2011, 23:18

Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Qual » 01 Mai 2012, 00:03

Hi Rocky ! Contact me if Strasbourg is on your way, i'll be able to host you few days if you want.

Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar beLia » 01 Mai 2012, 00:09

i'm sure you'll have better places to go in Paris but i might be able to house you, in early july.
Maxattack a écrit: [...] mais la particularité de ton style c'est que tu cherches toujours à donner les meilleurs réponses à chaque situation et ça rend ton jeu très monotone, ce qui implique que ce n'est pas marrant de jouer contre toi...

:fox: :fox: :fox: :fox:

Le guide a écrit: Marth fais partis de la famille des personnages à épée. Il se sert presque tout le temps de son arme.
Il dispose d'attaque relevant de son style.
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Tekk » 01 Mai 2012, 00:21

You HAVE to visit Lyon :wink:
details on skype/Fb

+You can ask ASKElink how well his stay went
Dernière édition par Tekk le 01 Mai 2012, 00:27, édité 2 fois.
just 'cause ur hungry doesn't mean that ur lean
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Sebenteen » 01 Mai 2012, 00:25

Lemme know if for some reason you intend to visit the north of France. I'll be glad to offer you housing.
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Visiting France!?

Messagepar BSeeD » 01 Mai 2012, 10:39

Think askelink spent a good time at our place also.
Plus if u wanna go to Italy u have to come by there before :p as I live on French Riviera.

Lemme know if ur interested
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Lukahn » 01 Mai 2012, 11:14

Come to Dijon =D
It's right between Paris and Lyon. We'll gladly house you.
I think Darko and Benoit will come back during summer. At least a little. And we're here also. INSCRIPTIONS AU DSK.
lol joking
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Joanna Dark » 04 Mai 2012, 17:32

Montpellier is awesome btw.
a tribute to Masterlink
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Zyx » 04 Mai 2012, 18:29

Joanna Dark a écrit:Montpellier is awesome btw.

Qft, by The NewYork Times : ... times.html

"According to the New York Times, Montpellier is the only french city listed on the Top 45 places to go in 2012 !"
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Joanna Dark » 07 Mai 2012, 18:22

so true.
a tribute to Masterlink
Total : 73 tournois.
dont :
- 22 gagnés
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Joanna Dark
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Inscrit(e) le : 07 Fév 2006, 14:59
Localisation : Europe, Montpellier

Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Rocky » 16 Mai 2012, 15:02

Sorry for the slow response people. I've had a ton of stuff in school recently.

The thing is that I'm going to be booking the tickets for the trip soon. I've planned it out so that I'll be in France from about June 25 to about July 1.
Are you guys able to house me on these dates?
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Inscrit(e) le : 15 Oct 2011, 23:18

Visiting France!?

Messagepar BSeeD » 16 Mai 2012, 15:07

I wont be there the 27th and 28h, so i think I can t house you after all...
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Tekk » 16 Mai 2012, 17:06

I definitely will be able to
just 'cause ur hungry doesn't mean that ur lean
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar Alox » 16 Mai 2012, 19:17

you can come in Dijon, no problem ;)
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Re: Visiting France!?

Messagepar porc » 16 Mai 2012, 21:19

you'll always find some housing
at least in paris/lyon/lille/montpellier/dijon/...
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