vous auriez pu prévenir que c'était une combo vid
en plus cela se vois qu'il ne force même pas!
Il ont quel niveau les australiens?
4ever a écrit:Il ont quel niveau les australiens?
Tekk a écrit:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNT6uZ4sEI4&feature=g-all-u
Westballz sera le prochain meilleur falco américain
BSeeD a écrit:Willy n est pas impressionné par Westballz :p
Tekk a écrit:BSeeD a écrit:Willy n est pas impressionné par Westballz :p
Je prépare mon "I told you so" alors
Slhoka a écrit:4ever a écrit:Il ont quel niveau les australiens?
Un niveau pas très élevé : il s'agit d'une petite communauté éparpillée sur un très grand territoire, donc forcément, cela ne facilite pas les choses.
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).
Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
BSeeD a écrit:@Tekk : T'inquiètes, on le dira ensemble.
Willy a écrit:BSeeD a écrit:@Tekk : T'inquiètes, on le dira ensemble.
1er match que jtrouve vs Marth
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).
Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).
Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
Roxas a écrit:Vous trouvez pas que Tai, ça fait vachement chinois ?
En plus, il joue Marth, la totale.
Qual a écrit:Ada ntsc de merde
vDJ a écrit:Lucinafags
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).
Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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