League Of Legends (LoL)

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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar DjaGoF » 12 Mars 2013, 18:52

V3ctorman : Most important thing is to believe in yourself and your character. With that anytings possible.
On the real man, i'm so proud of you for going Yoshi, in your stuff man, and you did amazing!! that inspires me to play Yoshi some more too n_n

Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo

Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
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Inscrit(e) le : 22 Oct 2009, 19:07
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Echizen » 15 Mars 2013, 21:31

Mais lol, le mec est sérieux, il a filmé xD!!
Bon, diamant soon pour moi xD
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Feca-Link » 16 Mars 2013, 01:12

J'organise un mini tournoi 1c1 pour ceux que ça intéresse (for fun), les inscriptions c'est ici : http://gzteam.forumactif.org/t276-gz-te ... scriptions
Le Roi obscur
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar DjaGoF » 16 Mars 2013, 03:31

@ Echizen, c'est même pas moi gros. C'est les dijonnais, ils ont tous kiffés rofl.

soon platine !
V3ctorman : Most important thing is to believe in yourself and your character. With that anytings possible.
On the real man, i'm so proud of you for going Yoshi, in your stuff man, and you did amazing!! that inspires me to play Yoshi some more too n_n

Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo

Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
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Message(s) : 3289
Inscrit(e) le : 22 Oct 2009, 19:07
Localisation : [/strike Huit Trois/] Six Neuf

Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar BSeeD » 26 Mars 2013, 16:29

Non mais les mecs ils bandent sur des penta horribles XD
Dijon inside quoi :)

Allez DjaG, montre leur un peu comment on fait à Lyon.
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Alox » 26 Mars 2013, 22:24

c'est plutot sur le contexte en fait
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar BSeeD » 27 Mars 2013, 09:09

Pas besoin de vous justifier, j'ai compris qu'à Dijon vous avez besoin d'idoles pour avancer...
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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At least one a day...
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Inscrit(e) le : 19 Sep 2006, 17:21
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Alox » 27 Mars 2013, 13:06

rofl tg
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar DjaGoF » 03 Avr 2013, 15:16

Avec mes potes en 5x5 ranked premade, 6 parties, 6 victoires. Susu, on est (déjà) gold V soon. np.
V3ctorman : Most important thing is to believe in yourself and your character. With that anytings possible.
On the real man, i'm so proud of you for going Yoshi, in your stuff man, and you did amazing!! that inspires me to play Yoshi some more too n_n

Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo

Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
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Message(s) : 3289
Inscrit(e) le : 22 Oct 2009, 19:07
Localisation : [/strike Huit Trois/] Six Neuf

Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Meljin » 03 Avr 2013, 18:34

DjaGoF a écrit:Susu, on est (déjà) gold V soon.



vDJ a écrit:Mal de tête, mal à l'être
C'est la faute à l'autre orga en mousse
Bukake de doliprane
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar DjaGoF » 03 Avr 2013, 22:55

C'était pour dire, que vu qu'on est des bgs, on est bientôt en gold, alors qu'on a crée notre team à la va vite.
V3ctorman : Most important thing is to believe in yourself and your character. With that anytings possible.
On the real man, i'm so proud of you for going Yoshi, in your stuff man, and you did amazing!! that inspires me to play Yoshi some more too n_n

Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo

Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
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Drogué du CF
Message(s) : 3289
Inscrit(e) le : 22 Oct 2009, 19:07
Localisation : [/strike Huit Trois/] Six Neuf

Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Qual » 20 Avr 2013, 10:23

Vu que je suis en colocation avec Asmo, ( pas Amjo ) et que c'est un joueur de LOL, j'ai commencé lol aussi :D

Je suis niveau 7 pour l'instant, et je main Lee Sin depuis ma première game, il est stylé ce perso, moyen de faire des jolis combos.

Pour l'instant je m'en sort bien, mais c'est parce que Fb asm ( asmo donc) est mon sensei, et vu que c'est un diamand I ( il lui manque quelques points pour être challenger ou je sais pas quoi ) bah j'ai accès à des conseils de bonne qualités :owi:

Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar lloydder » 05 Mai 2013, 18:38

Coucou je joue a LoL aussi. Je suis un support, je sais pas jouer autre chose, du coup je joue Sona, Lulu et Thresh et je joue les autres supports for fun :3
Chuis niveau 17 pour l'instant. Voilou.
:gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna:

Spamming is f**king cool !
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Inscrit(e) le : 04 Oct 2011, 21:21
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar Alox » 06 Mai 2013, 01:28

t 1 fill ?
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Re: League Of Legends (LoL)

Messagepar lloydder » 06 Mai 2013, 01:30

Non je voulais faire le kikou :(

Mais sinon non je suis un mec.
:gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna: :gna:

Spamming is f**king cool !
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Inscrit(e) le : 04 Oct 2011, 21:21
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