Visiting France

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Visiting France

Messagepar PikminButDeadly » 29 Juil 2014, 13:48

Hey, me and a few others are visiting a friend's house in Biot for about a week. For the next couple of days, we will be renting an apartment in Paris as we explore the city. However, I would love to meet up with some French smashers and play with them. I will be in Paris from the 30th to the 3rd. I am originally from NorCal and usually play with the ranked players over there, like Shroomed, PewPewU, and SFAT, due to the fact that SFAT is my brother. If anyone is willing to house a smashfest, let me know.

P.S. We have controllers but no set up :(
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Inscrit(e) le : 29 Juil 2014, 13:38

Re: Visiting France

Messagepar Poilon » 29 Juil 2014, 14:06

I sent you a private message with my brother phone number ;)

see you man !
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Messagepar BSeeD » 29 Juil 2014, 15:04

Come on youre in Biot ?? It's right next to my parents !
When are you leaving ?
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).

Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
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Re: Visiting France

Messagepar Maxattack » 29 Juil 2014, 15:57

There is a smashfest at C.Love's place on saturday. It may interest you because there may be some of the best smashers in France ;)

The link is in this Facebook group :
I float like a butterfly, I sting like a bee. Your moves can't hit what your eyes can't see.
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Re: Visiting France

Messagepar Maruhai » 29 Juil 2014, 17:18

best smashers in france = worst smashers in norcal
est ce qu'on peut dormir à lasalle?
n'oubliez pas de leur demander aux gens si ils ont leur brevet
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Inscrit(e) le : 05 Nov 2013, 23:50
Localisation : Draguignan (83)

Re: Visiting France

Messagepar Cpt.Love » 29 Juil 2014, 17:21

You're welcome to my place man, I'll MP you the details, see you saturday!
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Re: Visiting France

Messagepar porc » 29 Juil 2014, 20:33

i'm rusty but i'll kick you american asses anyway, and i promise you'll like it :modo: :coldfusiondx: :charlonyes:
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Re: Visiting France

Messagepar Tekk » 29 Juil 2014, 21:31

Maruhai a écrit:best smashers in france = worst smashers in norcal

just 'cause ur hungry doesn't mean that ur lean
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Re: Visiting France

Messagepar Maruhai » 29 Juil 2014, 22:20

désolé tekk je t'aime
tu va quand à l'evo qu'on voit ce que tu vaux à grande échelle ?
est ce qu'on peut dormir à lasalle?
n'oubliez pas de leur demander aux gens si ils ont leur brevet
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Maniaque du CF
Maniaque du CF
Message(s) : 685
Inscrit(e) le : 05 Nov 2013, 23:50
Localisation : Draguignan (83)

Re: Visiting France

Messagepar DjaGoF » 29 Juil 2014, 22:34

Maruhai a écrit:désolé tekk je t'aime
tu va quand à l'evo qu'on voit ce que tu vaux à grande échelle ?

quand il pourra monter à celle de richter
V3ctorman : Most important thing is to believe in yourself and your character. With that anytings possible.
On the real man, i'm so proud of you for going Yoshi, in your stuff man, and you did amazing!! that inspires me to play Yoshi some more too n_n

Blea Gelo a écrit:Why did you do this random falcon punch recover, i woulda won if you had recover with a single up b... I - I - I mean that was absolulty insane, nobody would do this in the real life dayum, I guess this is how the France rolls yo

Epidermik a écrit: wow, I've been showing my friends your videos and was telling them that "Djag is that good and he doesnt smoke!"
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