G.R.A.S. #5 - Grenoble (38) - 21-22/11/2015 - SSBM

Tout sur l'actualité de la scène Smash en France !

Re: G.R.A.S. #5 - Grenoble (38) - 21-22/11/2015 - SSBM

Messagepar karunosaru » 21 Jan 2016, 04:22

Je suis karunosaru et je viens d'Allemagne. La communauté de Münster veut participer au prochain G.R.A.S. et nous voulons demander: Quand est-ce qu'il se va passer?

Sorry if my French is horrible, I can switch to English if you guys don't understand my attempt :D
Basically a few guys from my region including SchlimmShady, reaper, Blaze and Däumling would love to attend the next G.R.A.S. because Fauster recommended it to me when we were in Nottingham.
Can somebody tell us when the next event is going to happen? Because we'd love to plan ahead so we can come with as many people as possible.


Message(s) : 1
Inscrit(e) le : 21 Jan 2016, 04:10

Re: G.R.A.S. #5 - Grenoble (38) - 21-22/11/2015 - SSBM

Messagepar JiM » 21 Jan 2016, 12:52

Your french is perfect, without fault, really ! Better than my english x)
You can ask "Lucas Nasca" on facebook, it's the TO.
The next GRAS will be in april I think, but I don't confirm that.
If Shlimmy can come, Ice too :o come on dudes :owi:
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Inscrit(e) le : 09 Mai 2010, 19:52
Localisation : Lunel

Re: G.R.A.S. #5 - Grenoble (38) - 21-22/11/2015 - SSBM

Messagepar Aephage » 22 Jan 2016, 10:39

karunosaru a écrit:Salut!
Je suis karunosaru et je viens d'Allemagne. La communauté de Münster veut participer au prochain G.R.A.S. et nous voulons demander: Quand est-ce qu'il se va passer?

Sorry if my French is horrible, I can switch to English if you guys don't understand my attempt :D
Basically a few guys from my region including SchlimmShady, reaper, Blaze and Däumling would love to attend the next G.R.A.S. because Fauster recommended it to me when we were in Nottingham.
Can somebody tell us when the next event is going to happen? Because we'd love to plan ahead so we can come with as many people as possible.



omg that's really hype, I hope you'll all come !
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Inscrit(e) le : 02 Juin 2013, 19:03

Re: G.R.A.S. #5 - Grenoble (38) - 21-22/11/2015 - SSBM

Messagepar Fabienne7p » 26 Jan 2016, 11:40

Message(s) : 2
Inscrit(e) le : 26 Jan 2016, 11:22


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