par Hawkmoon » 20 Sep 2007, 15:30
Je crois pas qu'elle ait été déjà postée donc je la mets, il y a lethal dorf 3 qui est énorme je trouve, une des meilleures video combo de Ganondorf.
Quand les gens comprendront ils que Ganon est glitché lol
Quand est-ce-que les gens arrêteront d'utiliser le mot glitché à tort et à travers ?
- Well Pam, which way you goin' left or right?
- Right.
- Ah, that's too bad.
- Why?
- Well, because there was a 50/50 shot on whether you'd be going left. You see, we're both going left. You could have just as easily been going left too and if that was the case, it would have been awhile before you started getting scared. But since you're going the other way, I'm afraid you're gonna have to start getting scared... immediately.