Je disais ça par rapport au fait que j'étais le plus jeune ici, RIEN A VOIR avec la fumette/la boisson.
Puis tout le monde sait que je me bourre la gueule tous les soirs et que je fume des bédos de la taille des poings de Hulk.
Benoit a écrit:BSeed c'est un mégaphone vivant, donc à motivation égale, il marque mieux les esprits (et les oreilles).
Kirbykaze a écrit:I swear if most Sheiks just improved their technical skill (moving fluidly [and with a high degree of control], moving quickly [includes oos], control over their momentum, better spacing, grabbing the edge quicker, being able to reverse needle store for offensive edgeguards with bair, consistent short hops on command [includes on oos stuff]) then a lot of them would start beating people they're currently losing to just because then they'd be way faster, harder to hit, do more damage ON hit, better out of shield, and have better edgeguards.
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Nedved a écrit:Il est pas chelou le Marth de PP ? Et pourquoi il joue Marth ? Il fait son Mango, son Falco est trop fort, il le joue plus ?
Tekk a écrit:Tu es détestable, Paul.
tetsuro a écrit:ça me dérange pas de jouer marth [...] car celui de Paul il est beau ^^
Armada a écrit:As spacies I don't think you need a secondary cause they have no bad MUs. Maybe Fox lose against Falco/Marth and Falco maybe lose against Marth (Im not really aggreing with Marth being terrible like most of smashboards says)
Nedved a écrit:Pas la GF du G6 en tout cas. Avec Fox il a gagné la WF, mais battre M2K en ditto Marth c'est pas simple^^
Petit à petit l'oiseau fait son knee.
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